Your donations at work

1 200

Your donations allow us to provide palliative home care to an average of 1,200 people a year and to help their families and caregivers.

77% vs 15%

Despite the fact that less than 15% of Quebecers die at home as they wish, nearly 77% of patients treated by the Society died at home or after a short hospitalization of less than 72hrs.

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En mon nom et en celui de mon frère, je tiens à remercier l'équipe des infirmières qui ont visité ma mère, Madame Lucette Dostie, durant les mois qui ont précédé son décès. Leur humanité, leur professionnalisme, leur douceur et leurs bons soins ont permis à ma mère de rester chez elle pratiquement jusqu'à la fin et ce, tout en se sentant en sécurité. Elle a pu bénéficier ainsi d'une belle qualité de vie, tout en étant encadrées. Un gros gros merci de lui avoir permis ce bonheur Suzanne Dumas

Suzanne Dumas,
Bois des Filion

Sylvie Miron

Notre père, Lucien, nous a quitté le 14 octobre 2014. Il a terminé sa vie dans la sérénité et la dignité, comme il le souhaitait à domicile grâce à votre aide inestimable et votre soutien que nous avons pu bénéficier jusqu'à sa fin de vie. Nous désirons exprimer nos plus profonds remerciements au personnel soignant, l'infirmier Martin et les préposés Jason et Fernando pour leur gentillesse, dévouement exemplaire et grand respect pour notre père. Votre organisme est admirable. Au nom de notre cher papa et de ses 4 filles, un grand merci du fond du cœur pour les bons soins prodigués à domicile. Marie-Andrée, Sylvie, Diane et Carole Miron

Sylvie Miron,

Micheline Dumas

Sincere thanks to all members of your wonderful team who devoted themselves so admirably to allow my spouse Maurice to end his days at home as he had always wanted. Without you, I would have never managed to fulfill his wish.

Micheline Dumas,

Famille Lavoie

With your help and care, our Jean-Marc was able to leave this life, surrounded by those he loved and who loved him, smelling the delicious dishes simmering in the kitchen, welcoming kisses of his Suzie, his Isabelle his Martin, and his dog, in the home that was so dear to him, overlooking the garden. It is thanks to you that we were able to enjoy, over and over again, his beautiful blue eyes and priceless special moments that he shared with us until his last breath.

Famille Lavoie,

Mme  Dubuc

Thanks to all of you, my dear husband was able to realize his last wish: "To live at home surrounded by his family, the last moments of life." And thanks to you, I was able to accompany him confidently to the end of his journey. You are wonderful.

Mme Dubuc,

Fernanda,Vida and Anisha Cirillo

The care and support that my family received was remarkable and I will never forget it. Without them, we would never have been able to keep my husband at home, surrounded by his family and in the comfort of his own environment. They were there for him, for myself and my two yound daughters until his final days. Each time a donation is made to the Palliative Home–Care Society Foundation, it allows another family like mine to receive the invaluable care and services that I was lucky enough to benefit from. From the bottom of my heart, my family thanks you.

Fernanda,Vida and Anisha Cirillo,

Famille Mongrain

Thank you so much for your support during our mother's illness. Your dedication, gentleness, compassion and professionalism contributed to the attainment of mom's last wish to finish her last days at home. Without you, none of it would have been possible ...

Famille Mongrain,

Hélène  Duhamel

I highly recommend to other families who unfortunately will also have deal with an end of life situation with a loved one such as I have, to call the Palliative Home-Care Society. You will receive care and support your loved one with the dignity that this turning point requires.

Hélène Duhamel,

Marc Bourgeois

It is with great gratitude that would like to attest on belhaf of my family to to the extremely important role of the palliative Home-Care Society, when we faced the imminent and successive loss of two members of our family with terminal illness. The moral support and clinical interventions were ensured by the constant presence of qualified staff, who, in addition to providing respite for caregivers, provided active listening and impeccable guidance to our loved ones and their families. This is why I consider that financial support for home care services, palliative care is essential.

Marc Bourgeois,